
PowerBook G4 のニューモデルの発表が間近だという情報を入手しました。

Sources suggest that Apple will release another PowerBook G4 round in the next two weeks. The notebooks will only up the tech specs to 1.67 GHz max and will incorporate the just announced ATi Mobility Radeon X700. Bigger harddrives are also mentioned. We'll probably see the 12" model at 1.5 GHz, the 15" at 1.5 and 1.67 and the 17" at 1.67 GHz until the PowerBook G5 takes over in Summer (or "late Summer").

最後のG4機種になりそうですね。しかし、12inchサイズの Powerbook G5 って実現可能なんでしょうかねぇ。
また、 macosXrumors によると、

A reliable source has informed macosXrumors that Apple may be preparing to release new Powerbooks as well as new eMacs next Tuesday. The renewal of both Powerbook and eMac lines have been expected for some time now, while first signs of EOL were noticed earlier this week. Confirmation on the technical details of the new Powerbooks and revelations on the new eMacs’ specifications have also been provided by the source.
A processor speed-bump to 1.5Ghz (12″) and 1.66Ghz (15″ and 17″), improved graphics and other minor enhancements are expected for the new Powerbooks (as mentioned on our earlier postings), while the new eMac should be based on the PowerPC G5 processor running at 1.6Ghz and may also have improved graphics, according to the source.


the PowerBook ZONE によると、

Rumor: PowerBook Updates

While we are not planning on regularly talking rumors (unless anyone wants to give us some dirt), one thing has come to our attention. While there is general consensus on minor PowerBook revisions coming in the next few weeks, we've been told that it will, in fact, be next Tuesday that they are announced. Today's news that the PowerBooks (and eMacs) have been end-of-life'd underscores this likelihood. The updates are still unlikely to be anything too major. The hard drives cannot get much larger without breaking the hierarchy of models, as is also the case with the graphics cards, though they could see some boosting. The main change should be in processor speeds, and one other significant change is expected. We can't say anything else on what this change will be, but we think that it should please everyone involved, and at least make up in part for the long wait on major updates.

「one other significant change」って何なんでしょう?非常に気になりますねぇ。

ということで、amazonから注文した PowerBook G4、納期前だったのでキャンセルしちゃいました。でも、上記のようなサイトの信憑性ってどうなんでしょう?まったくのガセネタだったら、わたしのとった行動はいったい…
あぁ、私は、いつになったら、PowerBook を手に入れることができるのだろう。
Mac の本 2 冊と、周辺機器(キーボード、マウス)が空しく私の手元にあります…